Sunday, March 30, 2014


Who’s spry as a gibbon, a chimp or baboon?
No one but me, or Siegfried Sassoon.
Who’s fiercer than any bewhiskered dragoon?
No one but me, or Siegfried Sassoon.
Someone to tell you the way to Rangoon?
No one but me, or Siegfried Sassoon.
Who’s known as the Belle of East Saskatoon?
No one but me, or Siegfried Sassoon.
Who’ll carve out Mt. Rushmore with only a spoon?
Who’s fuller of wind than a blowing typhoon?
Who’s friendly with Popeye and Alice the Goon?
Who regrets deeply he started this tune?
Who’d stop if you give him a battered doubloon
Or told him the way to the local saloon?
No one but me, or Siegfried Sassoon.

Siegfried Sassoon! Siegfried Sasson!
He can’t come too late! He can’t leave too soon!
He haunts me at midnight! He haunts me at noon!
He snipes at the Sun; he sneers at the Moon
He plays the harmonium (never in tune);
His mustache has turned a revolting maroon!
That snuffling, shuffling murthering gossoon!
Will I never be freed from Siegfied Sassoon?

In the twisty corridors of Hell
No light there is, just darkness visible,
Or so I’ve read.
Thus, if through Hell your journey tends
Don’t glance about in search of friends
Among the dead.
Do your business, take your pay
And go upon your fortuned way
With quiet tread.

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