Tuesday, December 31, 2019


The old god shrugs and decides today 
He will exist between seven and two
And answer fourteen prayers, nineteen petitions
And all questions clearly worded and asked 
At least fifteen minutes before closing time.
He creates a valet to help him dress,
And a cook to make him breakfast 
As usual, when he leaves his house, angels 
From a previous dispensation are waiting 
To ask him for work. He creates a secretary
To write down the names of those
Who have them and descriptions of the rest.

Monday, December 30, 2019


The cafeteria where I eat sometimes is generally
Filled with the ghosts of old lawyers and clerks.
It has gradually climbed since I first saw it 
From ground level to the seventh floor 
Of a five story building. It's  clock 
Always shows it's half past 1937

Monday, December 23, 2019


God's marble palace is always cold
And very seldom used nowadays.
Once in a while there's a ceremony
Or it's rented by a filmmaker requiring
Illimitable space. There are an infinite number
Of basements but only one attic. Since He retired –
Which was at about the same time I did –
God has taken to spending much of His time
In that attic. Some say He's working on His memoirs
Others insist he's building a new sort of universe
Intended to work on different principles.
Whatever He's up to, He and Lucifer have reconciled.
Fallen angels have begun filtering back
Into Heaven, taking odd jobs or rushing about
Carrying great baskets of feathers and pins
Or blueprints or buckets of tenpenny nails
Or leather portfolios filled with shadows.

Friday, December 20, 2019


The point of angels
Is to dance. Granted
They can destroy cities
Free prisoners
Blow horns stop
The Sun from moving
Carry news or threats
And make bodies
Out of almost anything
Including air, time and something
Called subtle dust
Which you can’t buy these days.
All this they do because
Someone had to and dinosaurs
Weren’t good at it
But the reason for
Having angels
Is to dance.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Claude Hopkins is playing
I Got Rhythm, ignoring the circumstance
That he’s been dead since 1984
Where he is, it’s 1941
And he’s in a Brunswick studio 
Where the Muses, looking for inspiration,
Have dropped by. (He’s aware
They visited Art Tatum first
And that Tatum chased them off.)
Crowded into the small studio 
Are Hopkins, his piano, the equipment 
An engineer and nine muses. Making it worse 
Erato, an incurable romantic, has invited 
The Muses' estranged cousins, the Furies
To accompany them. There are only three Furies 
But they take up a lot of space. Perversely,
They've started jitterbugging though not
In time to the music, ignoring Terpsichore's pleas
That they stop. The engineer is falling in love
With the youngest Fury, Tisiphone;
Her name means "vengeful destruction;"
It will probably not go well between them.
Hopkins is not worried. It's 1940;
It's now; he's alive then, dead now
And either way he's playing I Got Rhythm.

Monday, December 16, 2019


When they met again, many years 
After his death and a few weeks 
After hers -- contrary to the last,
And after the last, she'd taken
The long way round and arrived 
Riding behind a handsome Neshnabé --
She returned to him the piety
He'd thrown off in 1914 and which
She'd picked up and preserved
Tending it until it became a puzzle
To her and all those she lived with.
He returned to her her habit of smoking 
And certain memories of her father 
For which there'd been no room
Among things hastily packed
And carried across the ocean.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


The channoards of Paris
Had the right to salt
And boil the King
(After he was dead).
It’s been some time
Since they last exercised
This ancient right but,
If you’ve woken up,
Again, with a royal corpse
And an indescribable
Tattoo you could do worse
Than look to the saltbreakers
Perhaps the techniques
Has been preserved.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The ghosts of Kamianka 
Strumilowa sometimes,
For my father's sake, allow
A dream of mine to
Take place there. Of course,
It must first be licensed 
And the script approved 
By the town's synod
Three men, three women,
Two ducks and a cat
Who acts as chair.

Occasionally, they demand 
Some rewrites. One of the ducks 
With ties to a community
Of nondescript ghost dogs
Often requests that a dog
Be given a role. I always 
Agree. In my recent series 
Of dreams about my office
(Translated almost intact 
From Brooklyn to 1904)
All the senior managers 
Are dogs or ducks or
Luchadores willing to work
For very small amounts 
Of ghost kronen.

Monday, December 9, 2019


The Taganrog gymnasia stood 
On the highest point in town 
When the headmaster was fired 
He found a new position
As an insane tramp. Records show  
That Parunov, the new headmaster, 
Paid for the old one's burial.
This story is, perhaps, improved 
Though made less interesting 
If you believe the old headmaster
Was dead before he met
Three big men with shovels.

Friday, December 6, 2019


The Assistant to
The God
Of Broken Things
Is frustrated by
His employer's
Inability to keep
Promises or

One does not pray to
The God of Broken Things
To be made whole but
To be made broken
More interestingly.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


We are, they said, tired 
Of being Byzantines; let's 
Be Turks instead so when Mehmet 
The Conqueror and his soldiers 
Reach the City's walls they'll find
Another Mehmet at the gates
And themselves already inside
Dowsing fires and making whitewash
For the mosaics in the Hagia Sofia.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Lately it's begun to irk God
That He is impeccable
And thus incapable of lying.
Trying to amuse the ghost 
Of a pale girl He used to meet
In the old church in Haarlem
He spoke of a thing with 
A beaver's tail and otter's feet
And a venomous spur. Only
Frantic signals from St. Baavo
Prevented the world being filled
With disturbingly clever platypodes
Spiraling on batwings and breathing 
Multi-colored gouts of fire.