Thursday, February 28, 2019


The case
Is lost, is won.
The lawyer plans
And replans
And rewrites.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Box after box I have
Of commas, some almost new,
Left behind when the sentences
In which they’d served
Evanesced. A good comma
Is almost indestructible.
The rarest one I own
Was used by Aldus Manutius
In a note he left
For his wife one morning
Telling her he'd be home late
But would bring home
Three bottles of wine
And Desiderius Erasmus.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


His pasteboard tradecard said
"The ambiguous Mr. Fleetwood Shephard
Witty jests; bawdy reparte; pandering;
Influence peddling; heavy drinking;
Discrete translation into unknown tongues;
Extreamly reasonable rates." Apparently
It was slander to refer to him as
"The best paid pimp in England;" he
Was not well paid. His death was often reported; 
Being ambiguous, theres every chance 
He remains alive and will celebrate
Turning 385 next New Year's Day.

Monday, February 25, 2019


To allow the dogs time 
To master brush work 
And write poems
Li Po's shadow spent weeks 
Chasing a ball and barking.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


In need of redrawing,
I stayed in the house
Of Carnea, goddess
Of doorhinges.
Since few 
Pray to her now
Her temple
Takes in lodgers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Li Po three days before he died
Made his shadow an embroidered hat
Exactly like the one he always wore 
It is recorded that the shadow,
In time, learned to write poems
But his were nothing like Li Po's

Monday, February 18, 2019


The point has never really been to kill us
But to make us into something else
So we can take our turn guarding camps and
Find nothing wrong with shooting children.

Who will be the us now that we
Have decided we'd rather be the ones
Holding the knouts? The job does not
Pay well and the benefits have been
For the most part, hypothetical.

Friday, February 15, 2019


Read enough poetry and you'll notice
That certain images, certain combinations,
Are unstable, are fleeting and may,
When next you look for them, be gone.
If you meet Time walking his dog
You should linger; you'll not see him
More approachable than this. ,
Soon he'll appear in some foreign elegy
Where he and the dog must wear disguises
And use false names.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


There are moments he forgets
He's been translated into silence;
Things that might become words
Stand at a respectful distance
Waiting for the crook of a finger
Or a head nodded ever so slightly

Sometimes morning discovers the ghost
Of a crooked cop has left
Half a sandwich and a small coin
Which will not buy a glass of tea
Anywhere on Seventh Avenue.

Time has made the lion and the saint
Unsure which is which but no matter;
Go ahead; ask for a miracle.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


If only I had this manual!
Over six hundred pages!
Sturdily bound
In tough fabrikoid!
With it, I could repair 
Any car made
Between 1935 and 1942.
Without it, I can barely 
Change a light bulb
Or find my nose
When I wake each morning.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Where have they gone, the dead postmen
Who used to be everywhere, riding tandem bicycles,
Climbing out of wicker laundry baskets,
Carried on rugs by strong-armed women,
Sleeping in trees, pretending to be vultures
Improbably wintering on Snediker Avenue?
On cold nights they'd build street fires
A little apart from the fires the homeless men made. 
If you were hoping for a letter from the dead
You'd try to forget it. Dead postmen
Only deliver mail you don’t expect.

Monday, February 11, 2019


Finding an unfamiliar robe in your closet 
You put it on and blango! You're a priest.
Since you've no knowledge whose priest you are
You stand in the early morning light with those 
Waiting to do day labor. No one chooses you
To pick fruit or asks whether you've done construction.
A woman shares a cigarette with you; a man
Asks to be forgiven. For all you know
You are a priest of a merciless god;
Some of the symbols on your vestment are disquieting;
You forgive him anyway. Finally, an old pickup truck 
Pulls to the curb; three demigods, pooling resources,
Are conducting test runs of a new faith. No
Human sacrifice is planned; light martyrdom
May be required. You ride in the back,
Doing small miracles to amuse some vestals
Drowsily watching the sun shrug itself upwards.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Bats and bees and seraphim bicker

Over precedence and protocols;

A drab brown bird nips in

To bid you farewell on behalf 

Of night and day and all the great world.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Like a member of the secret police conscience
Enjoys waking you at three in the morning
When you're confused and likely to blurt out
The very things you meant to keep secret
So it was with me; there was barely time
To slip out the back as the front door shook.
No time to dress; I ran through Lvov
With a confusion of rags and tatters and dreams
Running alongside, urging me in shrill voices
To seek shelter in a barrel or an alley
Or in dark corner of an imagined church
Painted by the crook’d shade of Pieter Saanredam.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


The ghosts of Lemberg are putting on an opera
My grandmother Esther -- who worked as a teenager
In a cigarette factory -- urges them to do Carmen.
For days her ghost, who looks to be about 15,
Has been looking sidelong at the other ghosts
And lounging provocatively on gravestones
In the cemetery where she isn't buried.
Her sister Irina, though, feels Nabucco
Might be a better first production.
She also laughs every time she sees Esther
With the shadow of a rose between her teeth.
While deciding, the ghosts -- unable
To rent the city's opera house --are renovating
The one that wasn't built, following the plans
The town council rejected in 1896.

Monday, February 4, 2019


Satan cannot make it today so
His part will be taken by a bear;
He offers Jesus berries, honey,
Fish and the promise of dreams
About berries, honey and fish.
He expects Jesus to refuse
Which He does. Still, He 
Is very nice about it and
Says He'll think over 
The bear's offer to teach Him
Bike riding and juggling.

Friday, February 1, 2019


Since they've gathered to illustrate a principle of mathematics --
Namely that any number of things having location but not mass
Can simultaneously occupy the same point --all God's angels
Could as well dance on the pin's point as on its head
But that, they feel, would be showing off. Also
The pin in question has on its point
All of Hell's demons, marching and shouting slogans.