Friday, August 30, 2019


Studying in Rome, the painter Fragonard 
Called up the ghost of Michelangelo 
Who, unable to sculpt, had become 
A cicerone for spirits visiting Rome.
When not telling misleading stories 
To tourists, Michelangelo haunted 
The studios of the French Academy
Jeering at the students painting there.
He agreed, in return for a one-third share 
Of Fragonard's soul, to allow the painter 
To use some figures from the Sistine Chapel
As servants. Back in France one of them 
Sneaked into The Dream of Love 
And slept right through the Revolution. 
Though still asleep, he's kept up
With the times, has acquired an agent
And will, for a suitable fee, dream 
About whatever you wish.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

M. P., ESQ.

My old office remakes itself;
It's large enough that a long table,
Useful for collating, and a couch, 
Useful for falling asleep,
Are almost lost in it. 
There are three desks, one of them
Austere, neat, functional.
That one isn't mine.
The cabinets burst with files;
Smoke from a pipe lost since 1986
Dances in the air. Memos 
Wait to be ignored. A scarecrow
Sits at my desk, writing letters
Making calls, turning to the window,
To watch the new moon rise,
Though he knows this brings bad luck.
Marvin comes in, sits on the couch,
Says "The stories I could tell you
About this couch!" He never told them 
But I'd not mind hearing one tonight.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Since he scorns dishonesty, my better self
Called at three in the morning to tell me
He'd prepared a resume and was thinking
Of finding someone else to be better than.
We've been through this before; usually
He waits until the sun's risen. Perhaps
The fact that he no longer has a shadow
Has changed his sleeping habits. I assume
My worse self will dissuade him again.
My better self went off once for ten months
Saying he needed to get himself together.
Some days friends filled in; some days temps --
Mostly students from the tough school on Baker --
Did a few hours as their community service.
My worse self was quite helpful. He read
The manual and we took turns being better
Except on weekends, when we were both worse.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Shadow stands on sudden feet; the walker 
With the broad hat must have a dog
This night not meant for walking alone.
The wheat-ghosts whisper: 
The evening star grew wings
And now the roaring moon's on fire! 
The dog made from shadow, still half-made,
Turns his head towards the moonlit man
Walking a road there because he walks it
His high, crooked staff held before him.

Friday, August 23, 2019


My father drew angels quite well -- 
Stickmen, with wings and benign,
Wary expressions. Occasionally  
He drew wolfmen, sometimes 
Standing quietly in a crowd 
Or singing as part of a chorus.
So far as I know, none of his pictures 
Include both angels and wolfmen
Though the combination seems natural.
What if, times being hard, each
Had to perform the other's job?
God might give His wolfmen messages 
When they weren't loitering in Heaven,
Howling extravagant songs of praise 
While angels grew fur at the whim
Of some deceased moon's cessant ghost.
If I were my father I'd draw you a picture 
Of these angels and wolfmen meeting 
To exchange tales and sympathy. You'd say
"Yes, this and no other way is just how I
Believe they must have looked."

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


In a strongly-worded communique
Eight leading religions and the Apple Corporation
Have expressed concern over God's recent decision
To manifest Himself as a posse of high school girls.
"While we continue to venerate and revere You,"
The statement begins, "we must admit we are troubled
By Your appearing among us as seven girls
Mattawan High School. With the greatest respect, Lord,
Are You out of Your Mind?" At a press conference,
Shondanique Davies, who has emerged as spokesman
For the collective God, commented "Whatever."
She admitted there were some problems in adjusting
To being a collective Supreme Deity. "Rhonda,
For example. She needs to make up her mind:
In or out? One day she's everyone's best friend
And the next she walks by like We're not even there."
Rhonda Jacobson has been unavailable for comment
While She studies for  an exam in World History II.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


My mother's death
Will be thirteen soon.
I've no idea
What to buy it.
When it was small
We got along well;
It was endlessly curious
About its origin
"Tell me about her;
How short was she?
What did you talk about
That last time? Did
She talk about me?"
It's different now
Always languishing
Against walls
Pale-eyed, thin, too tall
For its own strength.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Every grackle sounds like a rusty gate.
More; they all sound like the same one.
This has been going on for some time;
The gate which taught grackles its noise
Must be gone by now. No maintenance
Could have long extended the life of a thing
So gularous. Perhaps, strolling free of Paradise,
Eve called back to the angel whose flaming sword
Turned every which way "Aroush! That gate
Will send you mad if you don't give it some oil!"

Friday, August 16, 2019


Look! There, about two thirds of the way up
On the right side of the painting! That 
Is no fairy but an angel who, on her way,
To yet another Annunciation has strayed 
Into Henry Fuseli's Titania Caressing Bottom 
The real fairies look anywhere but at her; 
Only Bottom, who has his ass' head
Atop a body by Michelangelo, glances at her
From the corner of his eye. She plays a lute
And whispers her news of great joy
Into his hairy and astonished ear.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The last public letter writer  
Found a button on the street
Pale brown, a six-holed operculum;
She recognized it as one fallen
From Death's collar. (All his buttons
Have six holes; all are opercula
Of the type called Shiva's-eye.)
She cannot sew -- her cat
Does the mending for both of them –
But asked the photographer Atget
To include the button in her portrait.
It sits on her table, next to some pens.
It's always there, unlike her cat
Or the letter writer herself. If Death
Needs his button, he'll know
Exactly where to look.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


It may be that the gods with whom
We most concern ourselves are not
The great gods. The Fates fear not Jove
But walk warily at dawn and twilight
Lest they meet Carnea, goddess of doorknobs.
For three years Furina Noctambula kept Mars
Under a copper thimble until she recalled
Where she'd put him for safe-keeping.

Monday, August 12, 2019


When the gate through which the Messiah will come
Was torn down, its shadow was cut loose,
By frail ghosts from the Cockeysville Pesthouse.
They brushed it smooth, rolled it up in brown paper
And tied it neatly with bits of red yarn and twine.
What possible use could it be to rebuild the gate
If its shadow hadn't been preserved?

Friday, August 9, 2019


One slow Thursday the Unmoved Mover
Emanated an office which, by natural process,
Immediately filled itself with file cabinets,
Cubicles, desks, phones, shredders, agendas,
Interns, meetings, and many things which are,
So far as can be told, people. Serving
The Unmoved is not easy. Aristotle
Decided it should spend all eternity
Contemplating itself contemplating
Itself contemplating. Aristotle
Insisted this would be enormous fun.
Efforts by the publicity department
Have not managed to persuade anyone
That Aristotle was correct.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Port W. is too poor to have ghosts of its own
This embarrasses us; Great Neck, the next town over,
Is lousy with them. Mornings, they clog the streets
Arguing about the gold standard or playing
Ringolevio. Nights, they ride Dreadnought motorbikes
Along Middleneck Road, from Brokaw Lane
To Liberty Street, hoping to scare the livestock.
We had a ghost, once. He had no references
And looked unhealthy but he worked cheap.
He'd manifest for a few hours every night
Translucent and plucking fretfully on a mandolin
But he took sick and died on us. The ghost
Of our dead ghost -- and this makes us sore –
Shook off the dust of Port and now haunts
An iron gazebo in a Great Neck park.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


When I was in high school
There was a designated thief
Tall and dark, a shadowy boy
Who never joked.
We knew Parrison was a thief
Because he stole things
(Or did he steal things
Because we knew he was a thief?)
As far as I know, no one
Complained to authority;
He was our thief and we
Were quietly proud to have him.
Once, he stole my bus pass
But — fair is fair — he later
Sold me someone else's.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


A large space divided
Into diverse parcels
Wherein dwell
Diverse widows,
20' x 17'
(The spaces; the widows
Are of diverse sizes. If
One is in the market
For a particular sort of widow,
Here or nowhere
Will she be found)
One lodger --
Call her Wragg --
Pretends to be a widow
Since "infanticide"
Does not recommend one
To the law students
Who pay her little enough
To clean their rooms
Which she does badly enough
As is to be expected
Of a woman who has seen
170 winters
Though she looks not a day
More than 106.

Monday, August 5, 2019


Towards the end, his court had shrunk down
To one: Ruth. Mornings, she'd summon herself
To order, read minutes, debate, rebut, enact.
Afternoons, she spread and believed seditious rumors
And plotted rebellion. When the moon rose
She'd arrest herself as a suspicious character
With no visible means of support and sleep in jail.
As arch-traitor, she sold the King to his enemies
But died heroically, defending him to the last
In her roles as childhood friend, valet, lover
And brevet five-star general.

Friday, August 2, 2019


Is not my grandfather Joe, but it's close;
The mustache is dead right and the face
Could belong to a much older brother
With whom Joe would have fought
Because they were too much alike.
(His genuine brothers were tall and gentle
They weren't dapper or fiery and they slouched
Having no need to make the most of every inch.)
It's startling to see Joe's eyes here, his head-tilt;
The picture was taken in 1926, so Joe's wife
Has not yet slipped on ice, has not died
Having a baby just far enough along to live.
When I knew my grandfather, he posed
Just this way for a picture, his right hand
Parallel to the knife-straight seam of his pants
His left held breast-high, fingers slightly clawed
Reaching for something or warding something off
Or making a signal and expecting no answer.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


My father and God find a quiet corner
In the court of the last Ming emperor
To have a long discussion.
The courtier ghosts give them space
Convinced that to one of them
They owe their existence. Still,
The ghosts watch surreptitiously
God raises a spread-fingered hand;
My father cocks his head. (Some words
Entering from the right ear
Have meanings other than they would
When entering from the left.)
The courtiers will report to the Emperor:
God has urged some course of action;
Nat Silver is considering it.