Thursday, October 31, 2019


Alys, who’d once  for seven weeks
Been Queen of the Night, got up
At midnight, at two, at four-thirty
To see how her realm did without her.
Occasionally she'd very slightly
Dim the moon or shift a few stars
Canceling dooms, unfixing destinies

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


For a long while now God has been leaning His back
Against a pillar in a painting by Pieter Saanredam
Of the Haarlemkirch. (One of the perks and problems 
Of being God is pictures seeming neither more nor less real
Than things built of stone) He stopped by
Early in 1641 and settled Himself next to a tired girl
Sitting on the base of a fat marble column.
To improve the moment, God began telling her a story
Which, after many unexpected turns and twists,
Has turned into you; God is making you up
As He goes along. After vamping for the last few years
He's really proud of what He's about to do with you.
If you weren't already a story told by God
I'd advise you to practice humility and prayer.

Monday, October 28, 2019


boss i have visited your death mask
and all i can say is that you looked
pretty calm about being dead 
though your lips 
Were a thin crooked line as if
you could have told one 
last joke but decided not to your hair 
was combed very neatly

Friday, October 25, 2019

bunter wrting in the style of archy the cockroach expains to lord peter why hes taken another job

boss said bunter,
no hard feelings but
after playing a
major role in
your first books and
nursing the bad case
of the wimwams you
brought home from
the trenches i
have dwindled to a
mere bit player and so
have accepted the general's
offer to return to
my original role
as a batman if
any mail comes
for me please forward it
to 1778

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


When Euclid died he
Became a line running
To infinity which
Sounds good but is really 
Pretty boring. He began
Making stops and hauling
Passengers and freight.
A line running 
To infinity will never 
Get there so it doesn't matter 
How fast it goes or
In what direction or if
It moves at all. Some lines 
Think it best to stand still
Because -- who knows? -- 
Infinity may be 
Looking for them. 
At some undefined point
Euclid was joined by the other
Euclid, of Megara, who
Believed truth would be found 
By exposing untruths.
Euclid of Megara never 
Walked in a straight line.
The books he wrote are lost
It is remembered that he
Would sneak into Athens 
Dressed as a woman.

Monday, October 21, 2019


A very small angel with a sword
No longer than a needle
Stands outside the gates of paradise.
As always, the sword turns all ways
Not only up and down and around 
All points of the compass but
In directions which lack names
And may only be because this angel
Assumes they do. She
Is the latest of a long series of angels
Who have died on duty or been promoted 
Or went walkabout one day down one 
Of the unnamed directions. The first
Was enormous but everything 
Was bigger then. As do we, angels 
Grow smaller over time. Some day
The angel at the gate will be visible 
Only to the eye of faith and only 
When it squints or looks through a lens.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The grey cat thinks of God, but its shadow 
Calls to you in a hoarse whisper 
"Go home and pack; be prepared to leave 
At a moment's notice." The old tree 
Your grandfather planted interrupts its dying
To mutter that a committee of low gods
Has assembled to argue over your fate.
Aunt Edith, who died before you were born,
Sends you a dream in which the two of you
Find an echo of the lost chord. Later,
She gives a small silver coin to an angel
With blank, unseeing eyes.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Due to circumstances not likely to be repeated
My mother had, by a five to four vote,
Become God. Technically, this made me
The Son of God. Unfortunately, no salary
Or other perks came with the title. It took weeks
To even get an appointment with Her
Working my way through a phalanx
Of divine relatives. My sister,
The Daughter of God, was busy destroying
Small, barely inhabited planets. Word was
She was in training to oversee
Galaxy-spanning disasters. My grandfather,
The Father of God, was sympathetic
But said she'd never listened to him
Even before she was God. Saint Florence,
The First Cousin of God and Her Secretary,
Finally penciled me in for a late lunch meeting
My mother seemed distracted. She thanked me
For being less troublesome than my brother,
The Older Son of God -- the Village Atheist
For several small Southern towns  -- but said
There were no immediate plans to allow me
The power to perform miracles. Equally,
The forging of nails to crucify me
Had been postponed to an indefinite date.
As I left, Florence gave me a souvenir pen
And a cellophane-wrapped piece of infinity.

Monday, October 14, 2019


Perhaps this is God Himself 
Lying on a scrap of cardboard and 
Confused when you wake Him. Why not?
He's not bound by your expectations 
Perhaps He's weary of fear telling him
That she loves Him or love asking
That He refrain, at least for now,
From lifting His hand against us
And sweeping us all away.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Strictly speaking, the God of Penn Station
Should not have thunderbolts. His remit
Does not include smiting people; at most 
He's allowed to cancel trains, block stairways,
Post confusing signs and grant wishes.
(Wait. The God of Penn Station grants wishes?
What sort of wishes? What are his rates?
Is their a discount for small wishes or
For those who wish to wish in bulk?)

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The God of Penn Station hasn't met
The God of All Things but he's seen Him
Speaking at conferences and conventions.
Apparently, He isn't busy these days
And accepts invitations to gatherings
Of lesser gods. He sits on panels
Telling stories about His youth. Due
To inflation, these stories have grown complex
Not one Eve but troops of her; not one Adam
But an entire kickline, and some that sing bass
In harmony with sweet tenor snake voices.
At a Q and A session the God of Penn Station
Asked for advice on the pigeons who have colonized
Tracks Sixteen, Fifteen and Twelve. God said
Pigeons were not His fault but had been left
From a different creation altogether which,
For obvious reasons, no longer existed.

Monday, October 7, 2019


My grandfather Joe didn’t argue
But went quiet and then quieter still
Until his silence made it difficult
For speech to exist. The animals
You’d have said he most looked like
Was a fox, bright eyes glittering,
Or an unusually kempt crow
Keeping his thoughts to himself
Pulling them out late at night
With only the moon to see him
Counting them, giving them names.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


When Joe tied a tie with his eyes shut
The ends came out exactly even.
He was bent but worked hard
To seem reliable, respectable.
He could fix any watch or clock.
(His set of beautifully precise tools
Were, I think, for show. I've seen him
Fix broken watches with a butter knife
And some matchsticks.) He knew he'd 
Been overwound and that nothing 
Could be done about it. Put him in
Particolor tights, give him a slapstick 
Set him dancing on a charlatan's stage;
You will say that Arlecchino's older brother,
Glum and desperate, has come back
To demand his place in the commedia.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Alice the Goon and Ham Gravy,
Bit players in Thimble Theater,
Were for years the stars 
Of a small indy comic. There,
Alice isn't mute but eloquent;
Ham calls himself Harold
And sells strange merchandise 
From a tiny store crammed
Beyond all reason. Everything 
That has ever been lost
Can be found there. Once,
In a classic sequence,  Alice
Found several versions of herself 
Living in Ham's storeroom.
On days they're not playing in Krazy Kat
Offisa Pupp and Kolin Kelly
Offer incisive political commentary
While playing a never-ending game
Of Shaolin dominos.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Drunk, he
Tried to kill 
Himself by
Shooting at his 
In the mirror.
He missed but ever 
After his
Reflection glared
At him even 
When he smiled