Monday, February 6, 2017


The central panel has become crowded;
Mary, heavily dressed, has a naked Jesus
Sitting on her lap. Two angels have come by;
One to offer Jesus a pear the other
To quietly strum background music
On a sort of tall and boxy guitar.
Sir John Donne's there, and Lady Donne
And their daughter, all managing to look
Very pious and slightly bored, as if
Hanging out with God and His Mother
Is something they do every day.
St. Barbara, who is lugging a heavy tower,
Envies St. Catherine, who has her sword
Belted to her slender waist. Memling,
The artist, has also given Catherine
A hat much prettier than Barbara's.
Over to the left, Memling peers in
Shyly from behind a pillar.

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