I'm no Christian but I've seen
Many Annunciations -- hundreds of them;
Maybe thousands. Mary is rarely the same
Her hair is red or yellow or brown or black;
Curly, straight, braided, pinned,
Covered by a plain cloth, elaborately turbaned
She is surprised, frightened, bored, submissive,
Patient, impatient, worried, serene;
Keeps on reading or puts her book aside
(Marking her place with a flower,
A leaf, a finger or -- at least once --
A pair of shears.) Sometimes she's gardening
Or cleaning or daydreaming. She sits, she stands,
She kneels to the angel who kneels also
Or doesn't. The angel is alone or has brought
A companion or two or entire hosts of angels
With discrete wings or huge ones, white
Or falcon-striped or bright enough
To embarrass a peacock. They stand
Wrapped in silence or play instruments
And dance in the sky. The announcing angel
Approaches humbly, arrogantly, gravely,
Or with the jaunty air of a favored suitor.
Now, though, comes something different --
A silent angel, poking before him a document
Triple-signed and notarized -- some sort of contract
Or decree. I was a lawyer so I know something
About notaries -- a precise and prickly lot
Who delight in procedural niceties. Where, then
Did the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
Find IDs to show the notary? Were difficulties made
About Christ's age? ("Yes, I understand--
Co-extensive with the universe -- but when,
Exactly, were You born? Some time next winter?
.... So. So. So. Ah! Can I speak for a moment
With Your Father?")
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