“Having found my soul an encumbrance I
could not
Simply give it to the servants to
dispose of. Imagine
Riding through Copenhagen and coming upon one’s soul
Dozing in the sun near the harbor! Worse,
suppose my cousins
Got hold of it and set it in a field to
scare crows? Scarred I may be --
No. Scarred I am beyond denial but
pride I have still.
Some rules still apply; a lady – still
less a Baroness –
Does not engage in barter. The only
course, I saw,
Was to give my soul away. We are a
small country
Hell does not maintain an embassy here;
the Belgians,
For a fee, represent its interests. I
stopped by one autumn day
And filled out the usual forms, using
the space left
To indicate the seller’s requested
price to write
‘Free-will donation.’ This upset the
clerk, did I know
He asked, his left eye burning, how
valuable a soul was?
How hard to replace? He stopped just
short of calling me a fool
(I can do the blazing eye trick too)
and asked me to reconsider
And fill in a price.
“ My dear man – if that’s what you are –
My ancestors were thieves and
plunderers. They murdered;
They broke oaths; they had cold hearts
and deep thirsts
And gripped hard what came their way.
But they were not
Traders; no more am I. If you don’t
want my soul
Say so, and I will give it to the
Church or find a way
To drown it fathoms deep.’ He shrugged
And said I should come back; he would
Contact his home office. As I left I
could hear my soul
Thinking unkind thoughts of me.
“Three weeks and a day later I
returned. A tall old man
Whom I had seen at my sisters’ parties
was there. As much
As was anyone, he said, he was the
Devil. (When I was six
My governess had made me learn proper forms
of address.
A bishop is ‘Your Worship,’ the Emperor
of China is
‘Most Serene Altitude.” The Devil is ‘Your Dread Eminence’
And is always called upon to chose the
first dance
When he attends balls in his proper
person.) “I am honored,
Baroness; few there are who make gifts
to me. The necessities
Of my position have made me a
commercial traveller
Living in a world of shrewd bargaining.
One grows hard.”
“No one,” I told him “thinks any the
less of you for it.
Whatever else he is, all know the Devil
is a gentleman.”
“Ah, you make me two gifts; I am
pleased with them both.
You have my gratitude.” Save for a few
remarks about the weather
And a desire that I remember him to my
That was the end of our meeting.
“It was some years before I realized
That there had been an exchange of
gifts. I remain nearsighted
But stopped walking into things and can
pick out
Even now, when I am as old as time (but
less nimble),
A four leafed clover from the midst of
a large meadow.
I am the first to spy a new moon; I
sleep well
And all that has happened to me since
that day
I have been able to turn into a story.”