At his ease in Anne Milton's kitchen, Satan says
"It is a mistake to think God puts much labor
Into His creations. All of us -- human, demon,
Angel, cat, lizard, fish, ornithorhynchus or Mount Fuji
Were flicked into being by quick, nervous gestures.
More trouble, a little bit, is taken with shadows
Which God lets subcontractors like me make.
God's things come from immediate inspiration
But shadows -- I've made more than a few in my time --
Need planning -- all those subtle gears meeting at angles
And thin wire woven into fabrics that stretch
And shrink and never wear out until they suddenly do.
Yes, it's possible but quite rare to outlive your shadow
Much easier to lose one and have some patchwork thing
Tripping after you, getting under foot and not knowing enough
To discreetly vanish under a meridianol sun ."
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