Friday, August 30, 2024



My Aunt Edith assures me that

If she had lived a while longer she

Would have straightened out

Her brother Harry and bought him ties

That, knowing how to behave, wouldn't

Keep flinging themselves over his shoulder.

"What a pity for him I died so young!"

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Though my Uncle Harry wore nice suits,

Dark-colored and a half-size too big,

He never looked entirely present.

A private whirlwind dogged his steps;

Even on windless days his necktie

Would wind up over his right shoulder.

(Always his right; you'd think the left sometimes

But no. Try talking sense to a whirlwind!)

Monday, August 26, 2024



According to Mircea Eliade and others who

Study invisible things Time is available

In two varieties: Ordinary (the one in which

Today will always be yesterday tomorrow)

And Sacred (the one where other rules apply).

An event in sacred time is always happening

For the first time so that Mary is always

Being annunciated to; the Buddha is always

Being suddenly enlightened and some

Poor damned Egyptian soldiers are always

Seeing the Red Sea's walls of water

Crashing down around them

Friday, August 23, 2024



As every angel knows the reason God

Remembers everything is that what He forgets

Never existed. For this reason the savvier members

Of Heaven's hosts mutter their own names sometimes

If they think He's listening and add, perhaps,

A detail or two: "Palaliel; the humorless one

With one blue-green wing and one red, 

Trimmed with pale grey rosettes who,

At Your behest, destroyed one-third of Nineveh"

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



On a rainy Saturday in March Sobek

The Crocodile God and I were in

The Metropolitan Museum. In a case

In Gallery 160 was a small bronze bowl

From Cyprus showing two women

Chatting with a crocodile. One of them

Was either giving him a palm frond

Or getting one from him. Sobek,

Though he admitted the strong resemblance, 

Said "There are no crocodiles in Cyprus and I

Have never been there. Some other Sobek, perhaps --

One who is fond of palm fronds."

Monday, August 19, 2024



A Japanese No-Face comes by to announce 

There'll be no Annunciation today

Since every available angel has been enlisted

To work on responses to the return of Tiamat

The Primordial Ocean.  A light lunch 

Will be provided for ticket-holders

And a rain date will be set when, rumors say, 

A special guest-star angel may appear

(Unless Tiamat wins. No one seems to know

If Tiamat even has angels.)

Friday, August 16, 2024



A cold morning and the thin-clad oiran

In the courtyard stands waiting by

The giant snowball -- as tall as she is.

Though the men in the museums

Will say rude things of her, she and her friends

Are very great and, when the mood is on them,

Slanted gods. Nothing breaks her calm:

You can find her standing on a giant carp

Reading a letter or drowsing on a flying boat,

The sixth among the Seven Fortunate Gods.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



You awake to find a new dresser --

Tall, spindly-legged and covered

With elaborate inlays showing scenes

From the court of the last Ming Emperor --

Has appeared in your room and is refusing

To allow you access to socks or underwear.

Monday, August 12, 2024



Sobek the crocodile god said

"I went by your grandfather's grave

Last week and, seeing some coffin nails

Had worked themselves loose,

I banged them back down

With my fist. Why be a god if one can't

Do the occasional favor for a friend?"

Friday, August 9, 2024



Ofuji, who sells toothbrushes,

And her friend Osen, who works

At a tea house, will, upon request,

Run errands, re-enact scenes from Genji or

Stand in for the gods. Messages

Should be left with Osen's mother who,

For reasons that don't concern you,

Is called Sleeping Dragon Plum Tree.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Is that how they taught you to enter

Someone's house -- walking right through the wall

All iridescent wings and attitude? Go outside

And try again! This is a young girl's room;

Knock -- quietly, not bang bang bang -- and wait

I'll let you know when you can come in. 

There ... that was better. Don't loom like that!

Calm yourself. No, I don't want to know why you're here;

Not yet. Tell me first your name. Gabriel?

Fine. No, I'm not the Virgin Mary. She'd an errand;

I'm filling in for her. (There aren't that many flawless women;

We all know each other.) I'm The Woman Standing Under An Umbrella

From the Harunobu print. You're lucky I'm here

It's obvious you're been under-rehearsed. 

Now, why are you here? No, wait, don't tell me yet!

Remark upon the weather; ask me what I'm reading;

Offer me a small gift. How should I know what Mary likes?

Pots of basil? Some lilies? Candied walnuts?

You didn't bring anything? Hopeless!

Did all the ept angels have other things to do?

Let's skip ahead; next time remember to bring something.

Now, find your manners and -- calmly,  courteously -- tell me

What brings you here today?

Monday, August 5, 2024



If she enters your dream you'll recognize her at once:

Harunobu's Woman Walking Under An Umbrella

She is perfectly at ease, perfectly self-contained.

If she feels like it, she'll leave her umbrella

Propped against a wall -- unlike hers, your dreams

Are full of walls -- in case you need it someday;

She won't miss it. Should she raise her hand just so

An umbrella will appear in it.

Friday, August 2, 2024



Since I left my job I haven’t 

Returned to my office or even

Entered the building. Li Po

Says this is not cowardice but

Simple prudence. How awful

To find myself at my desk 

Talking on the phone and gesturing 

That I should take a seat 

Until I’ve time to talk to myself