Friday, June 28, 2024



Get on his wrong side and Apollo, ancient as he is,

Can still stab you with a plague arrow. No one bid

For them at the great sale when his creditors

Sold everything else -- the famous bow, the golden chariot,

The swift-skimming boat -- at knock-down prices.

He lives simply, dresses plainly, rising at dawn,

To trundle the sun across the sky in a wheelbarrow.

"I don't know what I'll do if the barrow breaks," very far;

I may have to try just rolling it with a stick."

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Suppose you were one who could

Call the wind and have it 

Listen to your request 

Usually saying no but sometimes

Saying yes and becoming still

Or returning a hat it stole

On a cold day in 1927.

Monday, June 24, 2024



The ghost of Former Governor Thomas E. Dewey

Occasionally turns up in my dreams not because

He's fond of me -- we get along-- or because he has some 

Message he wishes to impart. He's bored and the dreams

He wishes to be in are closed to him. I tell him

To take heart. There is still an entire throughway

That bears his name and when she drives on it

She surely thinks of him. Also, so far as I know,

She never mentions Former Governor DeWitt Clinton.

Friday, June 21, 2024



Reluctantly, God has been

Searched into existence

He's used to it but this

Doesn't make it welcome

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



God has asked me to give Him a hand

By taking over the job of remembering

Akron, Ohio. He's getting older

And the universe still perversely

Insists on expanding though it

And everything else are simply

Ideas in His mind. What He forgets

Never was at all.

(Until after the Big Bang 

God's job was easy

There were only twelve atoms: 

Murray, Hildegarde, Norris,

Cindy, Li Po, Lizabeth Anne, 

Hecate, Big Al, Patricia, 

Nate, Juan and Gleb and they

Didn't really get up to very much.)

I admit it's true that I know 

Almost nothing about Akron, Ohio.

Do they still make things there,

Of rubber? More than fifty years ago

I knew a pleasant girl named Mitzi

From Alliance, Ohio which was,

She said, the rubber-band capital

Of the Free World. Perhaps

She can tell me something

About Akron which is a mere

36.7 miles away from Alliance.

Maybe I'll have a staff under me

Who know the place backwards and forwards.


Anyway, though I'm unqualified,

A promotion is a promotion. 

(Wikipedia says there are

290,469 people in Akron --

Will it be so very terrible 

If I happen to forget one or two?

It may turn out that you'll like better

The ones I'll make up to replace them.)

Monday, June 17, 2024



It's supposed to be a day off but there's no one else so

He shrugs on a body, checks the equipment -- eyes,

Ears, hands, thunderbolts, a rudimentary conscience --

Flicks a few switches and, watching the board light up,

Calculates the odds of the relief man defying probability

By being sober enough to cover the night shift.

Friday, June 14, 2024



The poet has brought ink in a stone pot

A brush, an inkstone, and two servants

To stand quietly while he kneels, watching

The water flow by. He slows his breathing

And makes space in his mind for the poem

With which he has an appointment. Alas for him!

His poem and many others were met on the road

By Li Po and lie tangled in sleep after a long night

Toasting each other and dancing with shadows.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



My grandfather Joe's eyes were brown

Much as mine are though they were grey 

Until I was 15 or so; I called them hazel 

After that. I have somewhere Joe's jeweler's loupe

Though I think he kept it for show. Except for things

Having to do with emotions, he could see anything.

I've seen him take apart a watch and look until

He saw the tiny speck of lodged dust which

He'd gently remove with a sharp needle. 

"See?" he'd say but I never did. 

Monday, June 10, 2024



My mother would say

"If wishes were horses

Then beggars would ride"

Bareback, I think;

Where would a beggar

Find money for a saddle?

Modest beggars might

Have one horse; small

And able to get by

On next to nothing. 

Some beggars, though,

Wish with every breath;

Mighty herds

Would trail after them

Stirring up clouds of dust

Until the great men in coaches

Coughed and groaned

"If only there were fewer horses!"

And made things worse.

Friday, June 7, 2024



Chief Constable Heisenberg no longer exists;

As of today, CC Schrodinger has always been in charge

And will remain so until he isn't at which point

He will never have been chief constable.

Nothing will change; everything will be different. Remember:

Crimes occur when they are perceived as having occurred.

All suspects are guilty, not guilty and neither guilty nor not guilty

Until arrested. Duty officers may know their sergeant's location

Or velocity but not both. Yes, there is a cat in the box.

No, there isn't. Her name is Viscountess Tibbles.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024



An army of atoms that believes it's me

Gets into bed, blows out a long breath

And votes, by a slim majority, for sleep

Just then, a congregation of words flies in

And tells lies: "We're  a poem! Don't get up;

We're extraordinarily memorable

Wait for morning; you'll find us arranged

Just as we are now and write us down."

Monday, June 3, 2024



One afternoon in mid-September, 1920 

God pulled from His coat pocket 

A handful of change, two matchbooks

And a small clockwork angel which He asked

If my Grandfather Joe could repair. "Of course,"

Said Joe, who could fix anything with gears.

"Come back in two days." Joe made the repair --

One of the cogs had a slightly bent tooth.

Time went by and God didn't return.

Joe occasionally put in the ghost of a dab of oil

And checked that the angel was still working;

It always was. It had rotors instead of wings.

After a few minutes it always returned to its drawer.

Azrael, a much larger angel, came by one day

Sent, Joe assumed, to pick up his clockwork kin

But he was there, it turned out, on other business entirely.