Monday, February 27, 2023



In case I live forever

I've been building

Libraries, real and

Imaginary, digital

And paper, remembered

And forgotten. Pages

Of the forgotten books

Dog-ear themselves

Or shuffle uneasily

Expecting I'll return

When I've dwindled

And gone to live

In a bottle.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


For economy's sake and also because

She dislikes falling bombs Great Aunt Irina

Has taken a room in the small town

Of Kamianka Strumilowa, about twenty miles

Down the River Bug from Lemberg. The local ghosts

Ask for news but she says none of it is good.

Instead, she plays for them on the memory

Of the violin she burned in 1943, just before she died.

Later, child ghosts find pale notes of music

Glittering against the dark leaves.

Monday, February 20, 2023


Pushkin brought a rose and Byron

A heavy, torn cape and Lermentov 

Brought the instrument of his death

In a wood case lined with velvet.

Gogol had said he wouldn't come but,

At the last moment, thrust his way in

Holding three faceless coins and an acorn

In a small leather purse. 

Friday, February 17, 2023


Osiris, says Sobek, is green

Because he's a corpse but I

Am simply a crocodile.

When I take my turn at being

Lord of the Dead I'll give Ammit

The day off and devour

Unrighteous souls myself.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


At some point the Unmoved Mover realized

He wasn't needed but only the idea of Him

And so He left. Other gods sometimes inhabit

His Fortress Illimitable but never for long.

Monday, February 13, 2023


The corporal says our retreat
Will never end because
Those who left before us
Keep extending the road
If I still had my boat, says Osiris,
We could sail across the sky.

Friday, February 10, 2023


Fourteen? Too many. You may have
Six and some of them quite short
Just a few words or perhaps
Only one.
Fortunate, then, that you have
Forgotten what you meant to say.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


The Learned Reader tells me that

The god I referred to as Perfectly Useless

May more properly be deemed the god

Of Perfectly Useless Things or,

Possibly, the God of Perfect Uselessness

Who's been missing since the other Forms

Threw him out of Plato's Realm of Ideality.

Monday, February 6, 2023


I found a Perfectly Useless God

Wandering in the Pleasure Quarters

Who promised to never answer my prayers

Or to stand by me in my utmost need

What fine company he was! How I miss him!

Friday, February 3, 2023


Death, who's always fancied himself

Cutting edge, has developed an app

Downloadable on desktops, laptops,

Tablets, phones and intelligent toasters.

It provides news of his doings, playlists

Of his favorite songs and photos

Of him relaxing or hobnobbing with

B-list celebrities. It also has links

To games and a simple drawing program.

It won't kill you, even if you ask nicely.

(For now, Death still makes house calls

Though he's reported to have invested

Substantial sums in a company

Heavily involved in AI development.)

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


You have birthdays? How is it 

That I have never heretofore 

Been informed? I suppose, too,

That you follow the discredited 

Custom of counting your years

Sequentially? Give it up now;

Be one hundred three this year 

Fourteen the next and eleventy-six

Some time after that. Eleventy-six

Sees elaborate ceremonies 

And amazing gifts. Also, for some reason,

A crocodile.