Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Keeping time with me
Walking on the other side
Of the narrow street 
Pazuzu, the evil god
Who guards from evil, 
Nods and lifts one hand. 
His muzzle is grey. His wings 
Drip with recent rain. 
Some day I'll ask him
"Why does a god with wings
Choose not to fly?"

Monday, April 27, 2020


Until he died, my uncle Harry
Drank tea with his eyes shut 
Knowing by the taste whether 
It had been served in a blue cup
Towards the end he grew uncertain
As to the exact shade.

Friday, April 24, 2020


The One-Dimensional God
Is a point who, by Its nature,
Cannot understand anything
Which isn’t It.

The Two-Dimensional God
Would help if She could
But cannot get Her arms
Around a problem. Also,
When She turns sideways
She disappears.

The Four-Dimensional God
Will arrive with answers
To everything a hundred years
Before you were born or
Eighteen months after you died.

The Three-Dimensional God
Had a very nice run but,
Wanted for questioning by the police,
Has been lying doggo.
If you see Him, be cautious,
Make no sign you know Him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Afloat in a shallow bowl 
She thinks "That one
Swimming in the sky? 
Obviously an impostor."

Monday, April 20, 2020


Angels can make bodies, I've read 
From almost anything but few
And none with whom I'm acquainted 
Can make them from nothing.
This morning there's just enough water
To make two cups of coffee and 
An angel who hovers over the sink
Complaining in a beautiful voice 
That I've left the dishes unwashed
And made her vaporous and small.

Friday, April 17, 2020


The new god doesn't 
Demand anything. If
You post a prayer he
May see it. So far as
Is known he
Has no determinate 
Power. He makes no
Promises, no threats,
And can, it seems,
Be trusted.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


My reflection stares
"Go back!" he shouts urgently
"You're standing too close!"

Monday, April 13, 2020


The god of this day
Is Pazuzu
A god of wind and drought 
And locusts. He is
The once and future
King of Demons. 
He protects men, 
Especially children,
Against evils 
Worse than him.

Though he has large strong wings, Pazuzu 
Seldom flies. Though man-shaped, his head
Is that of a dog. By great effort he
Has taught himself to see colors;
He is not sure he sees them correctly.
Thanks to a long-forgotten contract
Assyrian demons have free will. Created 
To rend and tear, his talons can also,
Though awkwardly, hold a stylus. 
It is sometimes strangely comforting 
To invoke his help in French:
Aidez-moi, Pazuzu!

Friday, April 10, 2020


If cats didn't drag it into the world 
There'd be no reality left. If dogs 
Didn't whine in their sleep and chase
Rabbits our dreams would turn on us.
If the Lost Dauphin was found the gates
Of the Great City would be locked.
If hearts decided to obey, hands
Would be forced to turn traitor.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Since ghosts needn't obey
Rules of social distancing 
They stand in clusters
Gossiping uproariously
Like the birds, the absence
Of most living folk 
Has emboldened them. How 
They appreciate daylight!
My own dead nod to me
But do not approach.

Monday, April 6, 2020


As usual, the wicked son blesses the matzoh;
As usual, the one too young to ask asks anyway;
As usual, Egyptian ghosts troop in when we say
Let all who are hungry come and eat with us!
One of them tells the joke he always tells
About being both a soldier and his parents’
First born so that he really should have been
Killed twice. He says it all happened so long ago
He no longer remembers how he died.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Put beyond a baby’s reach a turbanned Knight,
Two fat-bellied Gods of Fortune, a fox-faced gargoyle
With wings and a red and yellow Ganesha
Perch companionably on the shelf
Above the desk where I type. Near them,
A figure of Kanzeon Bosatsu, Goddess of Mercy,
Lies on her side because her porcelain head
Has come detached. This day, in this City,
Many who saw the sun rise will not see it set.
In emergencies, prayers should be addressed
To whatever gods and spirits are at hand.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Comes my Grandfather Joe --
The artificer, the changeling,
Small and dapper and deft 
Easy to lose in a family 
Of large, looseboned folk.
I should recall his voice?
Soft then; unaccented, 
His words always clear
But not many. He thought
Three sentences ahead
So sometimes answered
Things you hadn't said.
He was the runt, the youngest 
The one born in America.
Not a coward but wary,
Light on his feet. Shout "Run!"
And he'd be off, gone
As if he'd never been there 
(Had been in a way not there) 
He was patient
As a steel spring. A bit twisted 
Not a criminal but always 
Looking for an edge. 
When he broke his brothers 
And sisters mended him
Kindly folk, but not skilled.
If he'd stayed in the Army
He'd have been the sergeant 
Who doesn't much like his men
But sullenly keeps them alive
By tricks and turns and something 
Quite similar to magic.