Friday, March 7, 2025



The comic book villain, usually

More genre-savvy than the hero,

Thought the story would be longer.

Despite robbing bank after bank

He somehow has no money so

He checks the ads but they're all

For air-guns or x-ray specs, 

For lovable sea monkeys or for jobs

Selling a newspaper called Grit.

("Everyone loves Grit!")

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



In time the ghosts lose hold

Of their names but remember

What they charged. "Five pounds

For a night in a well-furnished room." 

"A half-guinea for an hour in a shed."

"Some pennies for three minutes against a wall."

Monday, March 3, 2025



The executors' inventory revealed 

King's painter François-Hubert Drouais

Left behind an army of spoons each of which

Knew its place, as did François-Hubert.

Aside from a brigade of miscellaneous spoons

Willing to do almost anything there were

Soup spoons, table spoons, tea spoons,

Coffee spoons, dessert spoons, salt spoons,

Olive spoons, gravy spoons, sugar spoons

Jam spoons and one spoon that scorned

To touch anything but mustard.