Friday, January 31, 2025



Had my Grandfather Max been a messenger

Who traveled like lightning, leaping

From dream to dream carrying vital news

Everyone would have known it. On Saturday mornings

He'd have worn his fulgin cloak and badge of office 

In synagogue; he'd have told wonderful stories

Of his adventures, of things seen on his journeys

And of brave and savage horses, his dear companions.

If my Grandfather Joe had that job, though,

You'd never have known it. His great dark cloak

Would have been hidden when he didn't need it

And, careful man that he was, he'd have arranged

For his shadow to quietly tuck it into his coffin

When the corpse watchers weren't looking.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Just when your dream gets most exciting

Just when, say, you and Chairman Mao,

Having escaped the sheriff, are careening

Through a raging fire down a twisting road 

In a brakeless Model -T, ignore the action

And look at the background. Someone is there

Trying to read a map in the fire's light.

Monday, January 27, 2025


Before Andrew Marvell, Time
Walked or sometimes ran about the world
Or strolled if he chose, resting
Under trees or on piles of leaves
Or in the shadows of ruined churches.
Sometimes he'd hitch a ride
On a farmer's cart or a sailor,
Pitying him -- Time is very old --
Would let him sleep on a coil of rope
But dawdling, ambling Time
Seemed undignified to Marvell; somehow --
I can't think where he found the money --
He bought Time a winged chariot
Since which time Time has grown strange
And aloof, seldom talking
To farmers or sailors and only rarely
Lets anyone ride next to him
Or even just stand on the running-board.


Friday, January 24, 2025



It seems unlikely that in this life I will

Assume my place with the ragged men

Standing in the street and looking

Into the fire they've made out of boards

And boxes and anything that will burn;

My ghost -- as if he won't have enough troubles! --

Falling heir to this debt may spend some

Coldest night of the year dragging two by fours

(Stolen from an unguarded construction  site)

South along Second Avenue

Wednesday, January 22, 2025



We're sorry, but Bentzen, the Japanese goddess

In charge of bringing you good fortune took off today

And is sitting on a high branch of a bare tree

Listening to the wind so that the luck we said

Would arrive this afternoon won't. We have no idea

Where she left it. In compensation, please accept,

With our compliments, this unlabeled package

We've had around the warehouse forever.

Monday, January 20, 2025



Sobek the Crocodile says that after an apocalypse

The great gods and demons generally stand

Or lie where they've fallen, trying to recall

Which side they were on. Harried ghosts

Circulate among them, passing out licenses

Perversely or at random which is why

He is currently run off his reptilian feet as the god 

Of irrigation, plagues, conjugal love, marquetry,

Mondays from three to five in the morning,

And certain cereal grains while an Ohio woman 

Has two gods and a demon assigned exclusively to her

One to grant her prayers, one to deny them and one

To remind her to feed the cat and check her mail.

Friday, January 17, 2025



While she's not my muse and I

Am not her poet there's a rush order

For six-hundred foot-pounds of poetry

By Monday so she, professional to her

Blunt fingertips, inspires me 

As best she can and refuses my offer

To buy her afterwards. some coffee.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025



No one asks a yotaka for a poem

Or expects her to draw pictures;

If she walks by a screen painted gibbons

Do not hand her letters. No afterworld

Claims yotakas. Their ghosts rise at dawn

For long days riding the ferry 

Back and forth across the Sumida River.

Monday, January 13, 2025



The left hand of the healing goddess Abiala

Holds a revolver. Use no extra words praying to her;

If she answers your prayers it is customary

To make her a small gift. A few chocolates

Will be sufficient. Never pray to her twice

On the same day. Do not give her bullets.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



There is no limit to the ingenuity
Of those who hate God. strapping Him
To every bit of space and every morsel
Of time and requiring Him to know
Everything. Imagine being able to see
Utagawa Kuniyoshi's Cat Dressed 
As A Woman Tapping An Octopus 
On The Head and not laughing
Since, before Kuniyoshi was born,
You knew he'd make this picture.

Monday, January 6, 2025



Old man in a hard season
Learns italic hand
Advertises for muse. Thinks
More dignity for starving poet
Than hungry old man.

Friday, January 3, 2025



In the place where his heart once was, the wizard
Keeps old spells, most of them useless and some
Extremely dangerous; he’s puzzled to find
He cannot bear to part with them. He has dreams
In which his teacher’s ghost questions his decision
To put his heart in an unbreakable egg under a silver bird
Nesting on an unscalable tree seven leagues
Past the end of the world. “Such plans,” the ghost says, 
“Never work. Trust me, indignant time will bring the girl
Who climbs the unscalable tree just as the silver bird decides
To return to life and the unhatchable egg 
Hatches. Man, you’ll look like a fool!”  On waking
The wizard checks his conscience— first rousing it
With a hard kick — to see if he’s sorry now 
That he removed his heart to make storage space 
Or that he killed his teacher and is pleased to find
He isn’t. Not a bit.