Monday, September 16, 2024



It couldn't be that they were both drunk

Since my father never was but somehow

He and Li Po agreed for a season

To trade shadows. Word got around since

Li Po was nine feet tall and his shadow

Taller, even at mid-day. In dreams my father's shadow

Signals urgently sometimes that a glass of rice wine

Or perhaps a bottle wouldn't come amiss.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


The dawn comes
Said Li Po
Said the Moon
I've no intention
Of leaving
While there's wine.

Monday, September 9, 2024



The lord of the center 

Never hurries. He rides

A turtle.

The regent of the west

Knows everything. He carries

A noose.

The regent of the east

Is the god to whom gods pray. He rides

An elephant.

The regent of the north

Is rich. Three of his four hands

Are empty.

The regent of the south

Is death. He smiles and carries 

A broken staff. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024



I am just old enough to remember 
The elevated trains in Manhattan 
Running along Second Avenue
Running along Third Avenue
And rode them at most a handful of times.
Still, I believe I'll know I’m dead
When I put a nickel in the turnstile 
And ride the old trains once more 
The rattan seats, the slow-turning fans 
And the ads for dubious concerns or 
Asking me to vote for the next Miss Rheingold
Keeping me company until I reach 
Ah, what station do you suppose?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024



God by His nature is not

To be limited. You say

He is everywhere? Only

If He chooses. He can be

In just one place, 

In the Haarlemkirch, say

Sitting behind a pillar, 

Telling a marvelous story

Or walking down Eldridge Street

Twelve steps behind my father.

He can be in two or six

Or seventeen places at once.

He can occupy the universe

Or flicker down to being nowhere at all.

(If He can't, what point is there 

In being God?)