Monday, April 29, 2024

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors by Lorenzo Veneziano


I am a highly naturalistic depiction

Of a goldfinch who, for no good reason,

Perches on the hand of a Byzantine Madonna.

Neither she nor her stiffly painted son

Can figure me out or predict the moment

I'll fly off. Though her wonderful blue robe

Is filled with slowfalling stars the donors --

Two tiny men, one in red, one in black --

Stare at me, willing me to stay.

Friday, April 26, 2024



Before time begins, Time reaching way back,

Kicks his foot high over his head as if

He was Juan Marichal having a good day

At Candlestick Park. Whipping his hand forward,

Walloping his foot down, his hard throw

Sends God tummulting through space

Desperately creating itself ahead of Him.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Barry Gifford said there are
No birds in Hell. Plainly
He’s never been there
Around 3 o’clock
On a Friday afternoon.

Monday, April 22, 2024



My green Buddha, who is almost

Five-eighths of an inch tall, is considering

Taking the place of his 180 foot tall brother

Who was destroyed in 2001.

"I will sit up very straight," he says.

Friday, April 19, 2024



Abundance left hastily,

Rolling off in her chariot

Just before she could be arrested.

An old peasant woman

Plods along, quietly cursing

Every stone in the road.

She carries Abundance's luggage --

A bundle, balanced on her head, 

And a small basket.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Martin De Vos' Painting Called "Moses Showing the Tablets of the Law to the Israelites, with Portraits of Members of the Panhuys Family, their Relatives and Friends"


Although he's politely translated the Ten Commandments

Into Dutch only one person -- a woman

Holding a tureen the same green shade

As her blouse -- is glancing at them. Otherwise, 

The huge crowd is dreaming,

Chatting, joking, balancing vases

On their heads or looking out at us

Thinking "Well, you're not reading the words either,

Are you?" Also, a quiet satyr has slipped in

Wearing a laurel wreath in his hair.

Monday, April 15, 2024



For Rembrandt's engraving of Death

Rising From The Grave To Greet

A Newlywed Couple, Death posed

For almost seven hours and was

So exhausted when it was finished that he

Drained the cup of wine he was holding,

Waved a vague blessing and fell asleep.

Friday, April 12, 2024



The moon is, of course,

A lifeless, spinning stone 

But also of course

An old woman whose feet

Get tired, a rabbit

With a mortar and pestle

And a lantern Osiris

Hangs from a nail

Sobek pounded into the sky.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Baba Yaga, barging into

A poem where she doesn't belong,

Runs into my father who 

Is looking to slot in a reference

To his sister Edith who, dying as a baby,

Hasn't featured in many poems.

Baba Yaga complains that she lately finds

Her chicken-legged hut cold at night

"Alt ist kalt" my father sympathizes.

He says the warmest blankets

In the world were those his father

Sewed together from scraps.

Blankets like those don't just vanish;

They're no doubt still somewhere.

Monday, April 8, 2024



The god Sobek arrived tonight

From Port Mahon aboard The Charming Betty

Which brought also barrel upon barrel

Of ammunition. The Lord Chancellor 

Was rowed out to greet the god and,

After a lengthy meeting and an on-board dinner

A joint communique was issued. Sobek

Said he knew that many were surprised

That a male crocodile had been appointed

Goddess of Love but, given a fair chance,

He might surprise us all. While seldom

In his long career associated with love

He had, after all, invented backgammon

With which, as he understood it, love

Had quite a few things in common.

Friday, April 5, 2024


If you dream of Wislawa Szymborska holding a stick
In her right hand it means “This year
You will once again not win the Nobel Prize.”
A stick in her left means “Stop watching your phone;
The Committee hasn’t even heard of you!”
Sticks in both hands means “I’m busy right now;
Why not go see what Czeslaw Milosz is doing?

Wednesday, April 3, 2024



The shadow quietly walking behind me 

I found carefully folded  -- left behind

As a debt-pledge and then forgotten. 

I use it when I'm trying to look important;

It's the sort of shadow who knows five languages

Or how to quell thunderstorms with gestures 

And the rattle of coins in a silver box.

Monday, April 1, 2024



At some point it must have occurred

To certain schools of Japanese monks that

Wearing a large basket on one's head

Makes it difficult to see. Why, then,

Did they start doing it? Perhaps to have

More drama in the world, allowing

Those moments when the basket

Is flung aside, revealing the demon lover,

The avenging son, the faithful monster,

The ghost with promises to keep or 

A monk who tells of a sleepless night 

On the roof of an abandoned temple

While spirits snarled and snapped below.