Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Since there was room in the marriage

For only one believer Max

Lost his faith as Esther's grew. I wonder

If, missing her easy unbelief, 

Esther ever rejected certain tenets

So Max would have to believe them. 

Thrones, Chariots and Dominions

Would accost him on the street

Saying "Make up your mind already!

Are we real or not?"

Friday, May 26, 2023


The very old muse isn't feeling well

But tries her best to inspire me

With ideas picked up from stoops

In downtown Brooklyn. "Ab-she,"

She mutters hoarsely, "Is a giant crocodile

Who eats souls lost between seven and eight o'clock."

She drinks some tea, closes her eyes, snorts.

"I think a love poem -- maybe an aubade.

It could start 'O my beloved, Dawn comes and,

All-reluctant, I must leave you before

A giant Egyptian crocodile eats my soul.'"

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


My cousin, the god of horses,

Is a short, pleasant man

Who lives in the Bronx just off

Zerega Avenue not far from

The subway station. He tells me

He intended to work in I.T.

But took what he thought

Was a temporary gig in 1976

And never left. Since he's not

A major god he has just six angels

Working for him only one of whom

Is a horse. If pressed he'll admit

He can perform miracles but says

The paperwork is a nightmare.

Monday, May 22, 2023


Freya, when times are slow and worshippers few,

Takes psychopomp contracts, carriaging souls

To those realms of the dead which still have open slots.

For reasons long forgotten, her carriage --

It's a springless cart, actually -- is pulled by cats

Who never listen to her or to anyone

Except each other. The cart spends hours

Standing in pools of sunlight. When it moves

It moves so slowly, weighted with dozing souls,

That it's easy to hop on as it ambles by.

If you're not particular about where you're going

It will get you there.

Friday, May 19, 2023


I'm here said the poem and if

You don't write me you'll wind up

Writing about not writing me and

Baba Yaga -- no, make that two Baba Yagas --

Will be in your dreams, making faces

And turning cartwheels and you'll wake

Smelling of smoke from stubby pipes

Held between horrible teeth.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


God shakes His wrist; the perchèd angel

Flirts into the air, seeking the prey

Whom God has or has not given warning

You, standing on the ground or halfway up

A tree, shout now and make that cruel head

Jerk around distracted into thought

Meet its eyes, call it something pronounceable

Make it halfway human or you're lost.

Monday, May 15, 2023


I know a musician's dead because

High school principal, Leonard J. Fliedner

Turns up in my dream. He wears, as usual,

A grey, three piece suit. He looks good --

Cool, confident, prepared as in life

To put down his papers, push back his specs,

Loosen his silk tie, turn his cuffs up,

Flex his pale fingers and play piano

With wild precision. I don't tell him

He's dead but fold his thin body

In a long embrace.

Friday, May 12, 2023


She is attended today by

Cardinals, titmice, sparrows, finches, 

Chickadees, bluejays, purple finches

And two woodpeckers, one redbellied

The other hairy. The usual crows

Are conspicuously absent since this

Is one of the days they're obliged

To make deliveries in Hell.

(I read once a book about things

Believed in Indiana one of which

Concerned crows bringing

Small rocks to Hell. Crows are clever

And would soon figure out that the trip

Might be more profitable if they

Took along other things too)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Having time and inclination I visited

The idols of the marketplace after

They'd swept the steps, put up the shutters

And put a closed sign in the window.

There were three of them that day

More than enough for a small branch.

A worshipper had left them tea. They gave me a glass

Which I drank through a sugar lump.

Yes, they remembered my father,

A friendly man who came by sometimes

But never asked them for anything.

Monday, May 8, 2023


You don't see angels much now because

In 1285, on his twentieth birthday,

Duns Scotus wondered how many of them

Could dance on the head of a pin.

The angels wondered too and, clubbing

Their meagre savings, bought a pin

One started dancing a pavanne,

More and more climbed on, no two of them

Doing the same steps until Uriel and Jibrial

Invented the waltz. Soon after,

The fallen angels arrived, breathless,

And introduced line dancing. Turns out

A pinhead provides ample room for

All the angels that are or were or could be

Since they've location but no mass.

God assumes that, in time, the angels

Will tire of dancing and resume

Obeying His behests.


                       (Some say the angels 

Don't dance on the head of a pin

But on its point. This is, of course, nonsense.

Where would the musicians sit and where

Would you find space for the buffet?)

Friday, May 5, 2023


In high school I used to disappear

For hours or days or weeks at a time

My body remained behind, doing

A credible job of impersonation.

When I returned there'd be notes --

Not very detailed but enough that I

Could pass again as myself.

I never noticed I was leaving

I always knew when I came back.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Suppose one day

Your body

Hangs out a sign:

"Fine property

Soon to be vacant

Needs some repair;

Would be perfect

For young soul

With handyman skills."

You protest that you

Have always understood

That bodies decay but

Souls are immortal.

Your body simply

Lifts an eyebrow

And shrugs saying

"I just work here."

Monday, May 1, 2023


Traditionally, the Goddess Freya

Travels in a cart pulled by cats

This seldom works out well

And explains why Freya

Is often found in places

She didn't mean to be.