Friday, April 30, 2021


 I sought an assignation
With Lizzy Bennett but Fate,
Pretending to have misheard,
Has sent a fog from which
Sparafucile, the assassin
In Rigoletto, has condensed.
He's trying his best but

The conversation limps.

I’ve no dukes I want killed

And Regency dress don’t suit him.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


On December 1st, 1646, records show,

The Devil entered the church at Lustleigh 

Taking a seat at the back. He conducted himself 

Civilly, removing his silver-chased hat

And putting a coin -- two headed but of good metal --

Into the collection basket. He laughed twice

But quietly and without sneering. He didn't 

Leave in a puff of smoke but vanished by degrees.

The next unusual visitor, in 1831, 

Was a raven who perched on the altar

Nodding affably at those he knew. The Devil

Wasn't molested but the verger

Waved his hat furiously at the raven.

Monday, April 26, 2021


A reader in Big River, Ohio

Wants to know how dreams 

Can be had before being born

As I understand it

It's more a matter of dreams,

Waiting for the right person 

To come along and dream them.

Every egg believes wise

And wary eggs ruled for ages

Before chickens came

And ruined the happy world.

Friday, April 23, 2021


The first poem I remember hearing 

Was The Train to Timbuktu 

("From Timbuktu to Kalamazoo 

Is a long way down the track

And from Kalamazoo to Timbuktu 

It's just as far to go back"). The second 

Was "Storm warnings 

Have been posted

From Cape May 

To Block Island."

I hear the first still when I borrow 

My father's voice to read to a child.

There are storms nowadays but no one, 

Can be bothered to warn Cape May

Or Block Island or the points inbetween.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Going through old boxes I found a dream

Of my father's from 1923. He wasn't born

Until 1926, making this an unusual item.

I can only suppose that, with so many dreams

Eager to be his, simple kindness required 

He begin having them before he was born

And, perhaps, to continue having them

Even now, so many years after he died.

Monday, April 19, 2021


If it should please God

To not exist what

Stratagem of yours

Will avail?

Old and wary, He

Has for a long while

Been on to your tricks.

Friday, April 16, 2021


Between one day and the next

The old-model ones have been

Swept from the streets. Instead,

Extremely tall, extremely thin angels

Are on every corner, never singly 

But in groups of two or three.

They take no bribes; they never smile.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


My father died during a spell 

Of terrible weather. It's no wonder 

His friend Claude S., struggling 

Through snow, leaning into the wind,

Needed to make up a minyan

Should outpace his shadow which

Had been dim anyway, cast

By two-fifths of a moon. Days later

It arrived, thin, tattered, dazed

With a pale, unseasonable flower

Pinned to its lapel.

Monday, April 12, 2021


He who'd been the poet Wordsworth

Woke suddenly and heard his talent

Scratching at the window

While his muse hammered her fist 

At the front door. Escaping,

He faked his death. He is thought 

To have watched his funeral from

A closed carriage, but after that 

The trail grows cold unless 

He was one of the deceased poets

Implicated in the theft 

Of St. Oswald's uncorrupted arm.

Friday, April 9, 2021


The golem who occasionally

Brings me a poem is trying 

To sell me one about when

She was a dancing girl 

(She was a dancing girl?)

At the Ancien Eldorado 

In Cairo. There's no story

Really; it's all atmosphere 

Beaded curtains and jazz

Played by austere men in 

Jaunty hats for other men,

Less austere, smoking

Thin cigarettes and watching 

Women dance. She says that 

The ghost of Konstantin Cavafy

Once bought her a dark beer.

When I object that Cavafy 

Hated Cairo, rarely left Alexandria 

And was, anyway, still alive then 

She shrugs and does a few steps

Of what she says isThe Balboa.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


The person I am in the morning

Sometimes listens to reason;

The one on the night shift is,

If anything, too accommodating

If we could just arrange a meeting

Their  feud, -- the cause

Of so much bitterness and grief --

Could probably be ended.

Monday, April 5, 2021



When I returned

From the funeral 

My father's reflections 

Had moved out except

One, fallen asleep 

In a mirror leaning

Against a wall.

Friday, April 2, 2021




My tablet says,

"This website 

Is not secure!"

I sympathize 

But don't know 

What advice to give.

Have you thought 

Of being a different 

Sort of website or

Not being a website

At all? You should know

That stealing passwords

Very seldom brings

Lasting happiness.