During his long last weeks
The ghosts gathered round
The deathbed of Telemachus
Penelope didn’t come, nor Odysseus;
He was always a footnote
To their celebrated story.
Laertes, his grandfather, shadowed in
But thought him Telegonos, Circe's son.
Most frequently visited the suitors
Coming by ones or twos or in large groups.
The last few hours saw them all
Crowded into his narrow room,
Leaning in at the windows,
Perching dangerously on the rafters.
What wounded Telemchus most
Was that the suitors forgave him
“Eh,” said Alcarops, “ what
Did we expect? Boy grown up
Without a father? We did
Our best but our best, at best,
Was a band of rowdy brothers.”
“Me,” said Leodes, “I accuse
This shame culture of ours
Conscience dwelled not in us
But in the eyes of other men
And those eyes told Telemachus he
Should help his father kill
The men who'd raised him."
"I blame the epithets," said Pseras
"Have you read the Odyssey?
Penelope is cautious, careful, circumspect,
Discreet, wise and self-obsessed.
Odysseus is cunning, resourceful, patient,
A man of twists and turns, much-enduring,
The sacker of cities, the man of action,
The master mariner (though why
A captain who loses his ships and his men
Deserves this one is beyond me).
What is Telemachus? Poised. Just poised.
What chance had poise to withstand
Cunning, resource, twists, turns, endurance,
Action, caution, sacking, wisdom
Discretion, more wisdom, and self-obsession?
And poor us! Swaggering and haughty!"
They argued as they always did and when
Telemachus died they made for him an escort
Into the mist and gloom, into the light.