Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Grab a brush, a rake, a loofah
Comb every farm and street for Shufer
Ask every duck and horse and cow
"Have you seen Shufer? Where's she now?"
But ducks and cows and horses too
Say "Why on earth should we tell you?
If she has gone to ground than we
Must live on Shuferian memory
Though you try for many days
There's no map for shuferismic ways
Cease from courting knocks and bruises
Shufer does as Shufer chooses,"

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


For ten years or so
I employed half a woman
To do typing, sharing her labor
With my boss, a man
Of preternatural calm. 
One day she left,
Moving to a place
Rural and prone to floods.
She sent many letters
Urged my boss to accept Jesus
Lest he find himself in Hell.
She never wrote to me.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


When thrice-great Cavafy said to thank 
Ithaca for giving you the journey
He didn’t know my mother, the far side
Of a century away, would hear him
And set out. She was never tall
Nor fast but knew how to travel
And how to last. Her true name
Belonged to the dead. She traded it
For one she liked better. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


The painter Turner one morning went looking
For a model who could pass as an angel.
(Angels weren’t in his usual line but he
Thought he might show the Renaissance
Just where it had gone wrong). His tall house
Saw him return hungover, towards dusk
With two surly manx cats trailing behind
To add to the five who lived with him already.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


My father’s primer,
Might have alternating chapters
First from a knight’s
Then from a dragon’s point of view.
Sometimes they’d meet
Just to talk things over.
Who could use such a book?
The princess, I suppose,
Unless she understands them
All too well already.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Elizabeth Barrett Browning  put her soul
In a wheelbarrow and trundled it across
Five centuries. By the time they’d gone
Fifty years Elizabeth – a frail woman if not
So frail as her father insisted – was panting
And began hinting the soul could get out
And walk for a bit or even take a turn
Pushing the barrow. Her soul though
Oped wide its grey eyes and said
“I dreamed a poet pushed me through time
In a wheelbarrow. Passing strange would it be
To wake and find it true but worse still
To rise and have to push. Be warned!
At any moment the tyranny of impulse
May set me all a-yell and I’ll call
'Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Who’ll buy? Who’ll buy?' ”

Thursday, October 18, 2018


In Marlowe's office
three of the filing cabinets
are empty.
When I become fictional
I mean to use them
to store old moons 
and memories
and donuts.
Will not mind.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


The nun and the monk
Argued they'd had no choice;
The old well insisted they replay
The centuries-old story.
This excuse was accepted
Their son became
The god of certain fish
(Freshwater trout, mostly.)
His twin sister grew up
The third-most beautiful woman
Of her generation and died young.

Monday, October 15, 2018


When I taught Constitutional Law a djinn
Audited the course, sitting towards the back
When he grew bored he'd animate 
Small men made of fire and send them 
Scurrying around his chair. Sometimes 
They'd wander down the aisle
And strut behind me, imitating my gestures.
I blame this, partly, for the university's 
Refusal to grant me tenure or to now admit
I ever worked there

Friday, October 12, 2018


To get the atmosphere right, John Glassco,
Distinguished Canadian poet and pornographer,
Travelled from 1966 to 1935 to write his memoirs.
He took a room a few blocks away
From  the hospital where his younger self
Was convinced he was dying. He visited 
 One afternoon and made terrible prophecies:
"You will be mayor of a small town in
East Quebec;
You will win the Governor General's Award for poetry."
"Tell me," young John gasped, "tell me that I will still
Write highly stylized fetish poems and novels!"
"You will; they will be published under many pseudonyms."
"It's all right then; I suppose I will have to live."

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Fearing I was missing, God
Took out an ad for my return
Or reliable word of my whereabouts 
In the Wolfenbuttel Aviso
For December 15, 1632

The Thirty Years War was then
An adolescent so God
Wasn't surprised that no one
Had time to tell him
Where I might be found.

Not giving up, He then
Engaged Eugene Francois Vidocq
Who searched Paris from April 1830 
Through July 1831. Vidocq concluded 
I was hiding among the unborn.

Since 1927 Schrodinger's cat
Has, from his box, acted as God's agent
Buying and selling, saving and damning.
He may some day tell God where I am.
Then again, he may not.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


In 1934 a Persian butterfly flew 
Into a convoluted sentence
Otherwise about a canal
And the tar-stained ghosts
Of ancient sailors; someday
It will fly off. The sailors 
Will follow, taking the canal,
Leaving an and and an if
And three puzzled adjectives.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Every dawn a large angel, his head bent 
To avoid scraping the ceiling, brings Shah Rukh
Six undeniable truths. At dusk a smaller angel
Wraps the truths in black wool and a demon,
Smaller still, carries the truths away.
Once the moon fully rises three old men
Come sit by his bed, whispering lies
So that the Shah can fall asleep at last.

Monday, October 8, 2018


I read that if I wanted to find God in Rome 
I would need to bring him with me. 
God did not want to go. He was tired;
He was dead; he didn't exist. It was cruel,
He said, to force so nonexistent a being
To travel in such inclement weather.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


When I taught Constitutional Law a djinn,
Auditing the course, sat towards the back
Growing bored, he'd sometimes animate
Small men made of fire and send them
Scurrying around his chair. Some of them
Would  wander down the aisle
To strut behind me, imitating my gestures.
I partly blame this for the university's
Refusal to grant me tenure or to now admit
I ever worked there

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Lazarus in Larnaca grew slowly old
And died again. On the fourth day
Nothing much happened. The weather
Was quite nice though
And seven children picnicked
Under a blunt-leaved maple tree
Eating almonds and cheese and apples.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


It was not uncommon, I've read, for a town 
To draft a bishop -- perhaps a stranger 
Who looked or sounded the part. 
In light of this, it's not, perhaps, strange that
I keep waking up thinking of a bishop
Who is either an ape, thinks he is an ape
Or has a congregation of apes. Long ago,
My father invented a Brotherhood of Apes
I was three years old and a charter member
We would shamble about and sometimes 
Urge the world to help the Brotherhood 
In our fight against cleanliness and decency.
It would be just like my fellow apes
To have, after so long, have started
Wandering through my dreams, 
Surveying with wide eyes what I've built 
On lands still perhaps theirs, leaving behind
A hairy bishop of missionary bent.

Monday, October 1, 2018


In those days we improvised
Nouns learned to verb it
Footing archlessly on fantastic toes.
Properly lit, with prop mustaches
Or malacca canes, virtues
Usefully impersonated vices.
When people ran out, an ape
Made a surprisingly good bishop
Gently hooting and forgiving sins.